If difficulties persist, please contact the System Administrator of this site and report the error below..
Unknown column 'played_date' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT
if(ladder_type = 1,player1_id,(select player1 from `#__ladder_addteam` where id = main.player1_id)) as p1,
if(ladder_type = 1,player2_id,(select player2 from `#__ladder_addteam` where id = main.player1_id)) as p2,
if(ladder_type = 1,'',(select player1 from `#__ladder_addteam` where id = main.player2_id)) as p3,
if(ladder_type = 1,'',(select player2 from `#__ladder_addteam` where id = main.player2_id)) as p4
FROM `#__ladder_matches` as main where won_by !='0' order by schedule_date desc